Word Class Professional

Word Class Professional

Kok Ban Teoh, PhD (Derrick)

Kok Ban Teoh, PhD, is a senior lecturer cum head of research centre at the SENTRAL College Penang, Malaysia. His areas of interest are organisational behaviour, psychosocial safety climate, and burnout. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Applied Statistics and Master of Statistics degree from the School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and his doctorate degree in organisational behaviour and development from the School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia. At present, he is pursuing his second Master's degree in Counselling from the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. In 2020, he received the best presenter award from the Industry 4.0 Regional Conference 2020, the editors’ pick award from the International Postgraduate Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality 2020, and the best poster award from the 6th ASIA International Conference. He is an editor in chief of Annals of Human Resource Management Research, section editor of SEISENSE Journal of Management and SEISENSE Business Review, review editor of Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Communication, and reviewer of Psychological Reports. He is also a certified advanced practitioner of Neo-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, certified practitioner of Art Drawing-House Tree Person, certified practitioner of Mindfulness Love Therapy, and certified mental health coach.