
call for speaker AIBPM talks


AIBPM learning hub

Advance Your Global Career with AIBPM Partner Universities!

The AIBPM Learning Hub is your gateway to prestigious Master’s degree programs from top-ranked international universities. Designed for ambitious overseas students, our partnerships with leading academic institutions allow you to access world-class education, no matter where you are.

By enrolling in a Master’s degree program through the AIBPM Learning Hub, you’ll benefit from a blend of academic excellence, global business insights, and practical experience—all delivered by our renowned partner universities. With flexible online and hybrid learning options, you can achieve an internationally recognized qualification from universities in Europe, Asia, and beyond, without the need to relocate.

Join a global network of learners, enhance your leadership skills, and gain the competitive edge you need to succeed in the international business arena. With AIBPM and our esteemed university partners, your journey to a successful global career starts here.

Seize this opportunity to study with the best, from anywhere in the world!




On going

We will held the conference in several cities in Indonesia and countries and it is still in on going process Below is the cities that will be conference venue 1. Bali, Indonesia (hosted by Universitas Brawijaya) 2. Yogyakarta, Indonesia (hosted by UPN Veteran Yogyakarta) 3. Thailand (in process) 4. South Korea (in Process) 5. Malang (hosted by Universitas Brawijaya) 6. Papua (hosted by Universitas Cendrawasih) 7. Turkey / UAE (in process) All the information will be updated soon


For partnership contact: +6285791516139 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • Category: Uncategorised



Conference Co-host

General Information

Co-host is the partner of conference organizer and the co-host will get benefits as below

  1. Logo of university in proceeding, website and banner or poster
  2. Cashback 10% for offline presenter and 5% for online presenter
  3. Publication priority
  4. An opportunity to be the keynote speaker or opening the conference (platinum co-host)

Co-Host Responsibilities

  1. Submit min 10 presenters (silver co-host ) and 20 participant (platinum co -host) to the conference using the registration link
  2. Make sure the presenters submit the abstract and pay the conference fee on time

You can be the co-host by contacting our staff : +62 895-4132-97376


Call for participant ICSGBP


We feel immense pleasure in inviting you to Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Gwalior (UGC approved, Autonomous, UGC-NAAC Accredited ‘A’ grade and NBA Accredited Institute) for 13th PIMR-G International Conference on Industry 4.0 & Key Drivers of Sustainable Global Business Practices (ICSGBP) - Hybrid Mode in association with AIBPM, Indonesia

_January 08-10, 2022

Major Attractions of the Conference:

1. Publication Opportunities for participants in high index journals like; “ Scopus, Web of Sciences & ABDC listed ".
2. The selected papers will have opportunity for publication after double blind peer review in Sanchayan-PJMIT
3. The remaining papers will be published in one edited volume with ISBN Number after review
4. “ The Best Thesis Award” (Cash Prize) (only for the participants who have been awarded their Ph.D. between January 2016- September 2021).
5. " Best Paper Award" Separate Track for presentation (Cash Prize) and opportunity to Publish in High Index Journal
6. Panel Discussion on Industry 4.0: Current & Future Trends.

Publication Opportunities:

1. Selected Papers will be published (after peer review) in the Special issue of International Journal of Professional Business Review.
2. Selected Papers will be published (after peer review) in the following (Scopus listed & Inderscience published Journals)
• International Journal of Globalization and Small Business
• World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development
• International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization
• International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management
• FIIB Business Review
• International Journal of Professional Business Review
• Journal of Content, Community & Communication
3. The selected papers will have opportunity for publication after double blind peer review in Sanchayan-PJMIT
4. The remaining edited volume with ISBN Number after review.
All the submitted papers will have the opportunity to be presented during the conference.
The selected papers will be considered for publication after a proper peer review process.

We also request you to motivate your colleagues and scholars to attend this workshop and circulate/forward this communication among your colleagues and scholars.


Important Dates :
Submission of Abstract - January 5, 2022
Submission of Full Paper- January 5, 2022
Notification of Acceptance of Full Paper -Jan 7, 2022

For any further query please contact:

+62 895-4132-97376 , +62 896-8679-1980




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13th International Conference - Hybird Mode

Co-hosted by Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM), Indonesia


"Industry 4.0 & Key Drivers of Sustainable Global Business Practices (ICSGBP) - Hybird Mode"

(08-10 January 2022)

Overview of the Conference - Hybrid Mode

Industry 4.0 is used interchangeably with the fourth industrial revolution and represents a new stage in the organization and control of the industrial value chain. Industry 4.0 is intelligent networking of machines and processes for industry with the help of information and communication technology. Sustainable Business practices are the business practices that “meets the needs of the present world without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

PIMRG has decided to address the issues and concerns in relation to Industry 4.0 and sustainable business practices aiming towards the growth of the organizations and mitigating the challenges.


Conference Objectives

  • To identify and acknowledge pioneering and innovative efforts in the area of Industry 4.0
  • To explore the association between Industry 4.0 & sustainable business practices.
  • To discuss issues related to innovation, Industry 4.0, sustainable business practices, organizational growth and effectiveness.
  • To bring plethora of speakers, academicians, researchers, management thinkers, and businessman at one platform.
  • To motivate, recognize, appreciate and guide the budding researchers and contribute towards the pool of research and benefit the society.

Publication Opportunities:

1. International Journal of Globalization and small Business
2. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development
3. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization.
4. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management.
5. FIIB Business Review
6. International Journal of Professional Business Review
7. Journal of Content, Community & Communication

All the submitted papers will have the opportunity to be presented during the conference. The selected papers will be considered for publication after a proper peer review process.
We also request you to motivate your colleagues and scholars to attend this workshop and circulate/forward this communication among your colleagues and scholars

Who Should Attend the Conference ?

• Academicians and policymakers seeking to gain a broader insight into innovations which have resulted in digital innovation, organizational growth and effectiveness.
• Industrial executives and innovative leaders seeking to gain broader insight on the issue.
• Researchers and Doctoral/Post-Doctoral students who are looking for expert knowledge and guidance related to digitalization for innovations, growth and organizational effectiveness

Call for Papers

Original papers in different areas are invited on the following themes:


Industry 4.0 opportunities and challenges: Digital Supply chain, Digital Ecosystem, optimization, customization, cost reduction, technology, cybersecurity, change management, employment, human capital development, customer behavior & CRM, capital investment, carbon Trading, Sustainable Development - Climate Change and related topics.

Industry 4.0 technologies: Big data analytics HR/ Marketing/ Finance; autonomous robots; simulation or digital twins; industrial Internet of things [IIoT], artificial intelligence, cultural intelligence communication technologies, Fintech, Digital Banking, Banking in 4.0 Robotic Automation, Talent Management, HRIS, Payrolls and related topics.

Organizational, managerial, and social characteristics in industry 4.0: Demand Control Support system, home care organizations, managerial learning, mental health, psychological resilience, servant leadership, transformational leadership and related topics.

Sustainable Business Practices: Redefining Sustainable Business, CSR sustainable development, Waste Management & Sustainability, Ethics and sustainability, Sustainability in the Changing Global Environment, Sustainability in MSME Sector, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing and related topics.

Sustainable Development: Legal Principles, Practices, and Prospects: Environmental law and management, intellectual property law and competition law, Litigation Verses mediation, human rights and religious freedom, Cybercrime and security, Media and entertainment law: Contemporary development in the age of digitalization, Human rights and gender and social justice, changing dimensions of law and right to health, Public health and pandemics: Challenging dimensions to right to health, Legal Protection of Biodiversity: Challenges and Prospect


Important Dates 

Submission of Abstract - November 30, 2021 extend to January 5, 2022
Submission of Full Paper- December 15, 2021 extend to January 5, 2022
Notification of Acceptance of Full Paper -December 25, 2021  extend to January 7, 2022

Registration fee

STUDENTS  Rp. 1.000.000  
Lecturer/academic staff Rp. 2.000.000


The payment of Conference fee can be sent to our Indonesian Bank Account

Payment in Rupiah:

Bank name      : Bank Mandiri                       

Name              : CV SINARA SUKSES BERSAMA                                  

Bank Number  : 1440015773002





Detail Information can be accesed via this  BROSHURE



Contact our friendly staffs

 message us correct

























13th International Conference - Hybird Mode

Co-hosted by Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM), Indonesia


"Industry 4.0 & Key Drivers of Sustainable Global Business Practices (ICSGBP) - Hybird Mode"

(08-10 January 2022)




Overview of the Conference - Hybrid Mode

Industry 4.0 is used interchangeably with the fourth industrial revolution and represents a new stage in the organization and control of the industrial value chain. Industry 4.0 is intelligent networking of machines and processes for industry with the help of information and communication technology. Sustainable Business practices are the business practices that “meets the needs of the present world without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


PIMRG has decided to address the issues and concerns in relation to Industry 4.0 and sustainable business practices aiming towards the growth of the organizations and mitigating the challenges.

Conference Objectives

  • To identify and acknowledge pioneering and innovative efforts in the area of Industry 4.0

  • To explore the association between Industry 4.0 & sustainable business practices.

  • To discuss issues related to innovation, Industry 4.0, sustainable business practices, organizational growth and effectiveness.

  • To bring plethora of speakers, academicians, researchers, management thinkers, and businessman at one platform.

  • To motivate, recognize, appreciate and guide the budding researchers and contribute towards the pool of research and benefit the society.

Publication Opportunities:
1. International Journal of Globalization and small Business
2. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development
3. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization.
4. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management.
5. FIIB Business Review
6. International Journal of Professional Business Review
7. Journal of Content, Community & Communication


All the submitted papers will have the opportunity to be presented during the conference. The selected papers will be considered for publication after a proper peer review process.
We also request you to motivate your colleagues and scholars to attend this workshop and circulate/forward this communication among your colleagues and scholars

Who Should Attend the Conference ?
• Academicians and policymakers seeking to gain a broader insight into innovations which have resulted in digital innovation, organizational growth and effectiveness.
• Industrial executives and innovative leaders seeking to gain broader insight on the issue.
• Researchers and Doctoral/Post-Doctoral students who are looking for expert knowledge and guidance related to digitalization for innovations, growth and organizational effectiveness

Industry 4.0 & Key Drivers of Sustainable Global Business Practices (ICSGBP)

Call for Papers
Original papers in different areas are invited on the following themes:


Industry 4.0 opportunities and challenges: Digital Supply chain, Digital Ecosystem, optimization, customization, cost reduction, technology, cybersecurity, change management, employment, human capital development, customer behavior & CRM, capital investment, carbon Trading, Sustainable Development - Climate Change and related topics.

Industry 4.0 technologies: Big data analytics HR/ Marketing/ Finance; autonomous robots; simulation or digital twins; industrial Internet of things [IIoT], artificial intelligence, cultural intelligence communication technologies, Fintech, Digital Banking, Banking in 4.0 Robotic Automation, Talent Management, HRIS, Payrolls and related topics.

Organizational, managerial, and social characteristics in industry 4.0: Demand Control Support system, home care organizations, managerial learning, mental health, psychological resilience, servant leadership, transformational leadership and related topics.

Sustainable Business Practices: Redefining Sustainable Business, CSR sustainable development, Waste Management & Sustainability, Ethics and sustainability, Sustainability in the Changing Global Environment, Sustainability in MSME Sector, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing and related topics.

Sustainable Development: Legal Principles, Practices, and Prospects: Environmental law and management, intellectual property law and competition law, Litigation Verses mediation, human rights and religious freedom, Cybercrime and security, Media and entertainment law: Contemporary development in the age of digitalization, Human rights and gender and social justice, changing dimensions of law and right to health, Public health and pandemics: Challenging dimensions to right to health, Legal Protection of Biodiversity: Challenges and Prospects 















Meet Our Country Directors


profile photo

Liem Gai Sin, Ph.D


Country Director & Founder of AIBPM

Liem Gai Sin, Ph.D is the founder and president of Association of International Business and Professional Management. He has been involved in many research projects, received several research grants, scholarship and educational awards. He has published many journal articles in IEEE, APBITM, JIBM and wrote a book chapter in The Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business that is published by Palgrave Macmilan in 2014. He was also a columnist on Entrepreneurship magazine and was an external reviewer of AIB and APIBTM. Currently he active in business activity, consulting and also active in many international organization.

DAISY 200x300

Dr. Daisy Mui Hunq Kee

Malaysia AIBPM
Country Director & & Advisory Board Member

 Dr. Kee is an Associate Professor in Management at the Universiti Sains Malaysia. She has published 40 Isl and Scopus indexed journal papers. She integrates her teaching and promotes USM internationalization efforts within higher education institutions. She is also an active keynote speaker and panelist for international conferences. This year, she initiated four Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) between USM and the industries. Besides, she initiates the participation of students with Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC). She was the award recipient of Publication Excellence (2019) by School of Management, and Service Excellence (2016) by Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Merdeka Award (2006) from the Australia Malaysia Business Council of South Australia (AMBCSA) by former South Australia Governor Sir Eric Neal (2006). 

Dr. CHAN Man Hin Eve 1

Dr Eve Chan
Hong Kong AIBPM
Country Director
Dr Eve Chan is a scholar from the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi). Eve was awarded Bachelor and PhD degrees in Fashion and Textiles Marketing and Merchandising from the Institute of Textiles and Clothing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU) in 2004 and 2009 respectively. Prior to joining THEi, she was Research Fellow at the Hong Kong Community College of the HKPolyU, and Visiting Lecturer of the Hong Kong Design Institute. In terms of her professional experience, Eve had served as Global Business Controller and Manager of the internationally renowned fashion company, H&M. Eve has extensive work experience in buying, merchandising, marketing and retailing before initiating her academic career. She is managing several competitive research funded research projects in international trade in textiles and clothing, location analysis in Belt & Road as well as econometric modelling. Her publications include book chapters, papers in major peer-reviewed journals and international academic conferences.


Prof. Majdi Anwar Quttainah, Ph.D 

Kuwait AIBPM Country Director

Majdi Anwar Quttainah earned his Ph.D. degree in Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management & Technology (USA). He earned his MBA degree with merits from the Business School & Entrepreneurship at Newcastle University (UK), and his Bachelor degree in International Business from the American International University in London (UK). Dr. Quttainah is an associate professor of management in the College of Business Administration at Kuwait University and works on consultation and training projects as a freelancer. His research and teaching interests are corporate governance; the three levels of strategies, specifically corporate strategy, international management, and business, entrepreneurship & small business, and organizational change & development. In addition, as a recognition to research he was awarded the Best Young Researcher academic year 2016/2017 Kuwait University. Moreover, his research was awarded the Best Paper Award at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Anaheim, CA, 2016, the Best Paper Award at the AGBA's 12th Annual World Congress, Kuantan City (State of Pahang), Malaysia, 2015, and the best Paper Award of the Gorontalo International Conference of Project Management (ICPM) 2018 – Gorontalo/Indonesida. He and his co-author received the best paper award for the Kuwait Economic Researcher Award by the Central Bank of Kuwait; May, 2019





Dr. Kenny Netshiongolwe
South Africa AIBPM country director & Advisory Board Member

Dr.Kenny Netshiongolwe has over 20 years of experience in the field of Finance and Supply Chain Management, and has a proven track record of successfully managing large multinational enterprises. He has been the CEO of the Lutomboni Group: Aerospace &Defence and occupies himself primarily with Corporate Governance, Board and Advisory Roles in a range of government, manufacturing and technology companies.

Dr.Kenny Netshiongolwe has been a member of the Advisory Board of Asian Africa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AACCI) and other different board in Africa. He is also an honorary Governing Board member of the Confederation of international Accreditation Commission (CIAC)  , and a member of the International Advisory Board of CEO Social Sciences Congress.


Dr. Rudresh Pandey 

India AIBPM country director & Advisory Board Member

Dr. Rudresh Pandey did his School for one of the prestigious public schools of India -The Scindia School Gwalior, and an MBA in Marketing with Distinction from the Institute of Management Studies DAVV, Indore. He is a Ph.D. in Management with extensive work experience in media, advertising, and education technology before his academic career. Dr. Pandey has held various responsibilities in a few of the leading academic institutions in India and is currently a professor of Business administration. He has also done the Global Immersion Programme from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is on the board of various journals and has published more than 70 papers in international conferences and Journals. He has presented papers in international conferences in China, UAE, Singapore, and various IIM, IIT, and other prestigious Institutions. His publications include various papers in International and Scopus journals. He has also received ‘Shikshak Samman’ by Rashtriya Shaikshik Mahasangh. Dr. Rudresh has been a consultant to various startups; he is a founder member of IT Startup - Feepal is India’s first education sector-specific online payment solution company. It was the finalist of the fourth edition of Entrepreneurship Quest at the Grace Hopper Celebration Organised by IIM-B and Anita Borg Institute. This startup was coverage by CNBC TV 18 (Young Turks)/ NDTV prime/ Your Story etc.  His hobbies include reading and outdoor activities. Dr. Rudresh has received The Duke of Edinburgh’s silver medal for mountain tracking and has participated in the Republic Day parade in New Delhi as part of the NCC contingent.


Gilbert C. Magulod Jr., PhD
Philipine AIBPM country director

Gilbert C. Magulod Jr., PhD

He is presently the University Director for Knowledge and Technology Management (KTM) of the Research, Development, and Extension of Cagayan State University Tuguegarao City and concurrently the Campus Research Coordinator of Cagayan State University at Lasam. He is an Associate Professor. He has published numerous research articles indexed in Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, and ASEAN Citation Indexed (ACI) journals. He has an h-index of 6 and i-10-index of 4. Dr. Magulod has presented researches in various international, national, and regional research conferences and symposia and was awarded Best Research Presenter and Best Research Paper awardee. He was awarded Distinguished Faculty Researcher (Social Science Category). He presently serves as editor, guest editor and reviewer of various SSCI Web of Science (WoS) Indexed and Scopus-Elsevier journals.