13th International Conference - Hybird Mode
Co-hosted by Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM), Indonesia
"Industry 4.0 & Key Drivers of Sustainable Global Business Practices (ICSGBP) - Hybird Mode"
(08-10 January 2022)
Overview of the Conference - Hybrid Mode
Industry 4.0 is used interchangeably with the fourth industrial revolution and represents a new stage in the organization and control of the industrial value chain. Industry 4.0 is intelligent networking of machines and processes for industry with the help of information and communication technology. Sustainable Business practices are the business practices that “meets the needs of the present world without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
PIMRG has decided to address the issues and concerns in relation to Industry 4.0 and sustainable business practices aiming towards the growth of the organizations and mitigating the challenges.

Conference Objectives
- To identify and acknowledge pioneering and innovative efforts in the area of Industry 4.0
- To explore the association between Industry 4.0 & sustainable business practices.
- To discuss issues related to innovation, Industry 4.0, sustainable business practices, organizational growth and effectiveness.
- To bring plethora of speakers, academicians, researchers, management thinkers, and businessman at one platform.
- To motivate, recognize, appreciate and guide the budding researchers and contribute towards the pool of research and benefit the society.
Publication Opportunities:
1. International Journal of Globalization and small Business
2. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development
3. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization.
4. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management.
5. FIIB Business Review
6. International Journal of Professional Business Review
7. Journal of Content, Community & Communication
All the submitted papers will have the opportunity to be presented during the conference. The selected papers will be considered for publication after a proper peer review process.
We also request you to motivate your colleagues and scholars to attend this workshop and circulate/forward this communication among your colleagues and scholars
Who Should Attend the Conference ?
• Academicians and policymakers seeking to gain a broader insight into innovations which have resulted in digital innovation, organizational growth and effectiveness.
• Industrial executives and innovative leaders seeking to gain broader insight on the issue.
• Researchers and Doctoral/Post-Doctoral students who are looking for expert knowledge and guidance related to digitalization for innovations, growth and organizational effectiveness
Call for Papers
Original papers in different areas are invited on the following themes:
Industry 4.0 opportunities and challenges: Digital Supply chain, Digital Ecosystem, optimization, customization, cost reduction, technology, cybersecurity, change management, employment, human capital development, customer behavior & CRM, capital investment, carbon Trading, Sustainable Development - Climate Change and related topics.
Industry 4.0 technologies: Big data analytics HR/ Marketing/ Finance; autonomous robots; simulation or digital twins; industrial Internet of things [IIoT], artificial intelligence, cultural intelligence communication technologies, Fintech, Digital Banking, Banking in 4.0 Robotic Automation, Talent Management, HRIS, Payrolls and related topics.
Organizational, managerial, and social characteristics in industry 4.0: Demand Control Support system, home care organizations, managerial learning, mental health, psychological resilience, servant leadership, transformational leadership and related topics.
Sustainable Business Practices: Redefining Sustainable Business, CSR sustainable development, Waste Management & Sustainability, Ethics and sustainability, Sustainability in the Changing Global Environment, Sustainability in MSME Sector, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing and related topics.
Sustainable Development: Legal Principles, Practices, and Prospects: Environmental law and management, intellectual property law and competition law, Litigation Verses mediation, human rights and religious freedom, Cybercrime and security, Media and entertainment law: Contemporary development in the age of digitalization, Human rights and gender and social justice, changing dimensions of law and right to health, Public health and pandemics: Challenging dimensions to right to health, Legal Protection of Biodiversity: Challenges and Prospect

Important Dates
Submission of Abstract - November 30, 2021 extend to January 5, 2022
Submission of Full Paper- December 15, 2021 extend to January 5, 2022
Notification of Acceptance of Full Paper -December 25, 2021 extend to January 7, 2022
Registration fee
STUDENTS Rp. 1.000.000
Lecturer/academic staff Rp. 2.000.000
The payment of Conference fee can be sent to our Indonesian Bank Account
Payment in Rupiah:
Bank name : Bank Mandiri
Bank Number : 1440015773002
Detail Information can be accesed via this BROSHURE
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